- Accepting submissions of poetry from women named Deborah (or any variation of that name, i.e. Debbie, Debra, etc.).
- Will consider all forms, however, will not publish poems containing profanity or explicit sexuality. Will not publish excessively lengthy poems.
- Previously published poems okay. Please include information as to where the poem first appeared.
- Send three poems per submission in the body of an email. Do not send another submission until the editor has published accepted poetry online.
- Include a short biography for the Poets section, if one is not already posted. Email address will be included with bio unless otherwise requested.
- Acquires one-time rights.
- Payment is publication.
- Send submissions to Deborah Beachboard, Editor, at debsbeehive@aol.com.
- By submitting to The Beehive you agree you are an adult and own all copyright to the items being submitted.

Consulting the Oracle by J.W. Waterhouse